Dispute settlement

ABLD has a strong commercial litigation practice dealing with contentious issues in food and agriculture. We represent clients in court in the Netherlands and in commercial arbitration all over Europe and beyond if need be.

What we can do for you

  • We will prepare your company and your case for litigation by thoroughly understanding the facts and merits of your case while strategically considering the actions and arguments your opponent may deploy. Litigation is like chess: you need to think several steps ahead. We do that well.
  • Your active involvement is crucial for success. We will have frequent contact to facilitate your input, but also minimize the impact proceedings have on your other activities.
  • We can handle your litigation in Europe. We act before the courts in the Netherlands and in international arbitration, as well as in other European countries through trusted partner firms. We don't just refer you, we take care of you so you only have to tell your story once.

Why us

  • We are good: Litigation is our core business and we know how to do it well. We'll guide you through the process, but will also tell you if you are better off avoiding it.
  • We are pragmatic: For most of our clients, litigation is an unavoidable necessity. We know you'd appreciate a short-cut to a resolution and will work to create one where possible.
  • We know about food and agribusiness: It is unlikely that the judge who will preside over your case has much, if any, background knowledge of the industry. You need a lawyer on your side who can make your case resonate with the judge.

Is litigation pending? Then we should talk.

Give us a call or send us a message.