
ABLD is a law firm that does everything that you can expect from a law firm, and then some more. We are based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and serve many international clients who do business in Europe.

Why choose ABLD as your law firm in Europe?

Like any other law firm, we negotiate on behalf of our clients, draft a variety of contracts, defend against claims and litigate for our clients.

But what makes us special is our knowledge of food and agribusiness. Our industry knowledge and expertise enables us to work especially well with clients who develop, grow, produce, manufacture and trade in food, agriculture and related technologies.

Rather than having to spend time and money bringing a lawyer up to speed, at ABLD we can hit the ground running and think proactively with you from day one.

What more can ABLD do for you?

We can help you expand your business in Europe. We can help you set up and manage your own subsidiary in Europe so you are closer to European customers, gain greater market knowledge and have more opportunities to sell directly.

We help our clients become stronger market players, grow their business and increase profitability.

What about you?

But enough about us. What about you and the challenges you are dealing with? We'd like to hear from you.

You're welcome to contact us by phone or e-mail: